
Laurie Koller

Some might say that Laurie Koller was destined to be a lawyer.

Even her kindergarten report card commented on Laurie’s love of justice — although her methods of achieving justice at that time leaned more towards biting than advocating.

By the time she was 8 years old, she renounced her goal to be the President of the United States (after all, people shot at the President), and instead set her sights on becoming a lawyer.

And her passion for justice has continued to become even stronger and more refined.

She obtained her J.D. from Duke University School of Law in 1991 and began her career as a defense attorney. In 2002, she transitioned to her current practice: civil representation of injured people.

The great-granddaughter of a coal-miner who lost his life in the West Virginia mines, Laurie knows that injury does not just harm the individual — it affects their family, and often their community as a whole.

In 2018, Laurie began focusing more of her practice on representing victims of sexual assault against institutions that failed to protect them.  The unfortunate truth is that the justice system often turns its back on survivors of sexual assault.

Throughout her career, Laurie has helped countless people through the traumatic experience of opening up about an episode of their life they would rather forget.

Though her job is to help get justice for her clients, she has made it her mission to see her clients grow “past and through” the trauma they’ve endured; working to make sure her clients are armed with resources to recover and heal.

Outside of work, Laurie loves to cook, read, and travel. She is a proud mother of two and enjoys being able to use her creative tendencies in her work.

For Laurie, it’s more than just winning the trial that is important. Real justice is when her clients no longer need her because they’re on their way back to health and wholeness.

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